Home Search Results Fishing Headquarters Drift and Sport Fishing
1 year ago

Fishing Headquarters Drift and Sport Fishing

Phone: 954-525-4665
Licensed Captain: Yes
Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Fishing Headquarters is Ft. Lauderdale’s largest and most popular fishing company that offers both drift fishing and sportfishing charters. Our drift fishing party boat, the Catch My Drift, is an 85ft fully air conditioned deep sea party fishing boat. She runs 2 daytime drift fishing trips on the reef and a night anchor fishing trip for snapper… every day. Tickets are only 40perpersonandareallinclusive.OrcomeoutBigGamefishingonasportfishingcharterandfishwithCaptPaulRoydhouse.Youcanchartertheboatprivatelytoyourself,orwearrangesharedsportfishingtripseveryday.TheGulfStreamcurrentisonly12milesofftheFortLauderdalebeachanditbringswithitsomeofthebiggestgamefishintheworld;Sailfish,swordfish,sharks,barracuda,mahimahi,amberjack,grouper,snapper,dolphin,wahoo,tuna,bluemarlin,andkingfish.TryahalfdaycharterwithusandletusshowyouwhywearethebestfishingcompanyinSouthFlorida.NEWOurnewboat,the55ftMaryBIIIisnowrunninganAllDayFishingtripeverydayforonly100 per person. This is a sportfishing/driftfishing combo trip. We go trolling, live baiting, drift and bottom fishing on this trip. We take a maximum of 14 persons, but we average only 8-9 persons on the trip. With 8 hours to fish, we always come back with a great catch.

Service Description Cost 1. Daily Drift Fishing Trip 402.AllDayFishingTrip100 3. Sportfishing Shared Charter 1404.SportfishingPrivateCharter4hours500 5. Sportfishing Private Charter-8 hours $950
Boat Details Make & Model: 85' Party fishing boat and 48' S Length: 48'-85' Beam: 14'-26' Propulsion: Deisel Equipment: Drift boat uses penn senator rods and reels 4/0. Sportfishing boats use Shimano 25's and Penn international 30's-130's. All tournament tackle, no other South Florida charter boat is as well equiped with terminal tackle, I GUARANTEE! Other Boats: We run the Big Game(46' Hatteras), the Out of the Blue(48' Ray Davis), the Mary B III(55' Sport/Drift fishing boat), and the Catch My Drift(85' Gulfcraft drift fishing boat)
Backcountry Bottom Fishing Deep Dropping Deep Sea Inshore Kite Fishing Live Baiting Offshore Reef Saltwater Trolling Wreck Fishing
African Pompano Amberjack Barracuda Bluefish Bonito Cobia Dolphin Grouper Jack Crevalle Kingfish Mackerel Marlin pompano Sailfish Shark Snapper Snook Swordfish tarpon Tripletail Tuna Wahoo Yellowtail
African Pompano Amberjack Barracuda Bluefish Bonito Cobia Dolphin Grouper Jack Crevalle Kingfish Mackerel Marlin pompano Sailfish Shark Snapper Snook Swordfish tarpon Tripletail Tuna Wahoo Yellowtail
Reservations are required for sportfishing trips. A credit card or cash deposit is required to hold the boat for your reservation. For drift fishing, a reservation is not required but we do ask that you call ahead and let us know how many people you have, so that we know how many people to set the boat up for.
You can cancel up to 48 hours before the trip for any reason. Sooner than 48 hours before the trip results in a 25% deposit charged to your credit card. Captain makes the call on weather at the dock and if weather is bad, rescheduling is allowed.
Paul Roydhouse
Member since: 1 year
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